Sunday, May 25, 2014

Color Me Rad Tampa Recap

I did it! I ran my first color run!

Yesterday I had the opportunity to run Color Me Rad at the Florida State Fairgrounds. If you don't know anything about CMR, it's a 5k where you're pelted with various dye (colored cornstarch) at different parts of the course.

You're advised to wear white so the color shows up well because you WILL leave a rainbow mess at the end of the race.

I headed to the Fairgrounds pretty early since I figured this race would be packed, and it was. My wave didn't get started until 9:10 so I waited around for a little while. There was a stage at the race and the organizers were playing music and dancing around, all while throwing "color bombs" to get everyone pre-dyed before the race.

Check out what I looked like BEFORE the race...

And another photo of me in front of the massive hashtag (I am a huge Twitter user so this was perfect for me!)

I headed to the start line and got ready for the race. Oooh, it was so hot...

Eventually we were off! Did I mention it was REALLY hot outside? Don't be fooled by the 9 a.m. start time. As soon as the calendar flips to May in Florida, 9 a.m. might as well be like stepping in the fires of you-know-where.

So, with the heat, I honestly wanted to get the race over with. So I ran the whole time.

Running was sort of frustrating actually since there were SO many people here and they were walking all over the course. Usually walkers stay to the right, but I guess since this was a "fun run" that didn't really apply.

Running through the stations was pretty intense. I ran through yellow, orange, and finally got some relief when I hit blue since it was colored water. I'm not kidding when I say I was drenched in sweat. The course felt like it went on for forever. It felt like it was 5 miles vs. 3.1.

Eventually I crossed the finish line. Whew! That was a toughie.


I think this race would have been way more fun if I hadn't have gone solo. I didn't know anybody there and usually do races alone, but this seemed like one that was not nearly as much fun alone as it would be with some friends.

The race entry for CMR is steep ($40-$50) but something I think runners should get into if they're looking to add some color (pun intended) to their runs!

Have you ever done a color run? What'd you think?

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Best Damn Race registration blitz!

Happy Thursday (wish I could say Friday) everyone!

I'm writing this post because I'm super happy right now. 

Yesterday I found out about the registration blitz going on for the Best Damn Race in Safety Harbor. Safety Harbor isn't too far away from where I live and I've been looking to do some more local races in the future. I loved the Sarastota Half Marathon but the drive was really boring going all by myself.

I found out there would be registration blitz at 12 p.m. Basically, you refresh the registration page at that time and your price is decided by which number in line you are. I was #26, which means I only had to pay TEN DOLLARS to register for a half marathon. 

Well, I wasn't really planning on running this race in particular but for $10, why not? 

So this medal will be mine on February 7, 2015! 

Have you ever done registration blitz?